pencil sketches are okay, right? i think if i tried to ink it, i'd just ruin it.
Foxy is pretty much my ideal girl i think. despite the fact she's looking naughty here, she's kind of a tomboy, and she really is the sweetest person ever. way sweeter than any realistic person. she's the main female role of my "Orion" story stuff - the comic series i'd probably start after Kick Girl. "Orion" is kind of like... a space-Rome story. with gods and demi-gods and empires and spaceships. lovely. if i had to relate Foxy to a roman (technically, greek i guess) character, i'd have to say she's like Helen of Troy. only she doesn't come from a god-like background. i think her father works in the empire's main palace, so she spent a lot of time there growing up, learning how to fix and build stuff. and of course, she befriends our future hero and villain. when she's all grown-up, she helps Orion by making him the best ships and other things to aid him on his way. eventually, she is captured by Emperor Rage, who has been enamored with her since childhood.
here's some sprites i made of the main characters about 2 years ago:
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